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Bed Bugs





What do we call pests?

Pests is a common name for all insects or animal which can cause harm to human beings or have a negative influence on human health, wellbeing and can even damage their property.


Rats are rodents which are stout bodied and usually have a long slim tail and four forepaws. Especially two species of house rats are very dexterous. They are a brown rat (or Rattus norvegicus which belongs to the rat genus Rattus or the other name for the same rat can be Norway rat) and a black rat (Rattus rattus or sometimes it is called a roof rat).

Rats are omnivorous, invasive, intelligent enough, adaptable and quick in reaction, and extremely fertile. Usually rats can be found inside or very close to the places where people live. They become very aggressive when they see food supplies, the result of which can be widespread destruction of the whole place. Rats can easily spread human diseases. The most popular of them are typhus and tularemia.

We should be very careful as rats can spread different infections which include Salmonella, Weil's disease (an infection carried in rats' urine), Escherichia coli (usually abbreviated as E. coli) and Tuberculosis or TB (tubercles bacillus).

Rats can also carry lice, fleas, mites and ticks. Rats are famous for causing fire by gnawing the cables of electrical wiring.

Bed Bugs

Unlike most bugs, bed bugs are wingless and can be moving all over your bed. They can transfer from one place to another. For example it can be the place where you keep your clothes, especially while travelling that is your luggage. Usually bed bugs can be found in bedrooms. Bed bugs like feeding at night when you are sleeping. If nobody is in bed they move to bed frames, cracks and crevices all over your room. When bed bugs bite someone, it can cause irritation, pain and even swelling and your night will be sleepless. If somebody sleeps with bed bugs for several weeks, their body becomes very sensitive to the saliva of bed bugs and that can lead to intense allergic reactions.

Newly emerged or hatchling bed bugs have a size of a poppy seed, and length of mature ones are approximately ¼ of an inch. They are oval in shape if to look at them from above but very flattened out from top to bottom if to look at them from the side. Their colour is different and can be ranged from nearly white to the molting colour or they can have a light tan or be dark brown or even deep orange. They also can be dark red or even black depending on the quantity of blood they have been sucked out from the person.


One of the most common pests is cockroaches. Houses and especially food service companies can be infested with them. They can transmit infections easily especially that type of bacteria which can lead to the food poisoning. Cockroaches like to settle in warm and damp areas and places where they can easily get access to the food.

Nowadays there are two most common types of cockroaches which are widespread throughout your area. They are the oriental cockroach (or black beetle) and the German cockroach. The specialist team from our company will identify this or that type of cockroaches.

Cockroaches might be very hazardous to people's health by transmitting bacterium such as Salmonella. Those pests can damage goods made from leather and any fabric, including books and food.



Ants are small social insects living in highly organized colonies of winged males, wingless sterile females (workers), and fertile females (queens), which are winged until after mating. Ant colony varies in size. It can be very small or have millions of ants in it. The most difficult household pests to control and to deal with can be ants as group. Ants as group nests can be found anywhere in or out the house but in the majority of the cases inside the property in warm places close to water. They are really omnivorous. They like eating sweet cakes, bread, and any fatty and oily food.



There are more than 35,000 species of spiders worldwide, but some of these are most dangerous.

Although they are mostly beneficial to our environment, many people do have an inherent fear of spiders, known as Arachnophobia. This causes feelings of uneasiness at the mere sight of spiders, which in it's extreme can lead to excessive sweating, crying and panic attacks.

Thankfully, most species of spiders found in the India are not considered dangerous and are not pests. The few that may bite very rarely do. If bitten by a spider, it often has very little effect on most people, while a few species can cause an exceptional reaction due to their venom.


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